Tuesday, November 5, 2013

the hazards of love (for writing)

So I figure the easiest way to keep up with this whole blogging thing is to stop giving so much of a f**k about whether a post is 'perfect' or not. I can guarantee that this will be much more difficult at my horror blog, as I really want those posts to be pretty thoughtful and researched. But this one is all about my personal rantings, right? Those can be contradictory and weird. Why not?

I got a bunch of letters and postcards today in the mail. It was wonderful! I'll never get away from actual mail being so much of a thrill than a like or random comment online. For some reason, this mail made me immediately want to listen to 'The Hazards of Love' by The Decemberists as a full auditory performance. The night I went to see The Decemberists open their 'Hazards of Love' tour in Los Angeles was strange. Very emotionally confusing. Thankfully, what I remember best was how happy and tearful I became whenever the colorful spotlights set in the stage pulsed upwards and silhouetted Colin Meloy every time he sang "And the wanting comes in waves." That remains a top concert moment of mine. I almost wonder if anything before and since has topped it.

I haven't quite given up on Nanowrimo. I've probably given up on the actual writing portion, which is fine as I had intended it to be more about a month dedicated to revision than creating something brand new. I'm still mainlining the feel of Nanowrimo, and that's much more invaluable to me. Tonight (only five days into the month: alright!) I'm getting to sit down for a few significant hours of writing. So that's pretty awesome.

And the wanting comes in waves!

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